Assistance With Personal Activities

We work closely with you to help you reach your developmental goals in a sustainable way, wherein you feel belonged and supported in the community.


Experience newfound independence with our personalised support for daily tasks.

At National Disability & Community Services, we encourage our participants to live independently, whilst being safe.

We help with your daily personal activities, so that your routine can be self-regulated to take one step further towards achieving your NDIS goals. We provide support depending on as much or as little assistance you need to perform personal activities.

Whether it is helping you with personal hygiene tasks or meal preparation and delivery, our support staff will be there for you.

Depending upon your NDIS plan, we can assist you with the following under this support service:

MealPreparationMeal preparation and delivery

ShoweringShowering, bathing, dressing, grooming, and other personal hygiene and oral hygiene tasks

menstrual-careToileting, menstrual care, bladder, and bowel management

MobilityMobility at home, like moving out and transferring in bed

aidsUsing aids, appliances, communication, and hearing devices

appointmentsAttending appointments, and more

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