Psycho Social Recovery Coach

We work closely with you to help you reach your developmental goals in a sustainable way, wherein you feel belonged and supported in the community.


Tailored recovery plans for your unique needs from a recovery coach having lived experience.

We're dedicated to making a difference in the lives of NDIS participants and their carers.

Our team of compassionate Recovery Coaches are professionals who understand the ups and downs of daily life with psychosocial disabilities. We're here to support you in finding and maintaining your independence, both socially and economically. Our coaches provide personalised support that suits your unique needs. We also work closely with you, your family, carers, and other services to implement your plan so it fits you best.

Whether you're looking for someone who's been through it themselves or someone with expert knowledge, we've got you covered. Our goal is simple: to bring hope, build your recovery skills, and assist you in connecting with the NDIS in a way that feels meaningful to you.

With NDCS Psycho Social Recovery Coaching, we strive to offer individualised support and ensure that you experience a more fulfilling life. You’ll benefit as we:

schoolAssist you to manage routines and tasks for increased independence

businessHelp you develop coping mechanisms for stress

occupationOffer assistance to navigate social situations with ease

coordinateTake care of your overall well-being

decisionsProvide assistance in pursuing your passions and interests

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